Four Cornerstones of Revival
God is good
God is good, so we’re required to dream big. Our faith will only explore areas where we believe God is good. Jesus represented the Father in everything He did, we are called to do the same.
Nothing is Impossible
God describes Himself as nothing is impossible. He created us to be in His image, giving us the same attribute when we believe. It is in our DNA to pursue impossibilities and see them bow to Jesus. A huge part of our life is taking risk in his love.
Everything was Purchased at Calvary
Everything we’ll ever need was dealt with at the cross and made available to us. The Christian life is learning how to access everything He purchased for us. We believe He provided an answer before there was a problem so we owe Him trust when things look confusing or bad.
We are significant
We owe every person respect and honor because everyone is made in the image of God. While each of us is significant, we don’t discover this until we discover our own insignificance. God gives graces and gifts to every person to love and bring heaven to earth.