Our New Home

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We are so excited to update you on how God is moving with The Gathering Church. For the past two years, our church has been “mobile” as we have been temporarily staged at Rainbow Resource in West Jersey. Their generosity has propelled our church from meeting infrequently at the Ely Barn to twice monthly. 

We greatly desire to see the Kingdom of God impacted in the Central Illinois region and have reached our capacity at Rainbow Resource. In order for us to fulfill what God has put on our hearts, we have been prayerfully seeking God’s open door for The Gathering Church to find a permanent home. One main desire for a permanent space is that it will allow our focus to change from setting up and tearing down to the church members and ministry opportunities in our community. 

At the beginning of 2019, we were made aware of a building in downtown Wyoming that had recently become available. After several walkthroughs, we felt overwhelming peace that it was the perfect space for the vision God has put on our hearts for this region. We believe God is strategically locating the church to reach the community with Jesus. 

We fully believe in God’s perfect timing and know that when He opens a door He will provide the means to fulfill His vision and plan. We purchased the building for $10,000. However, the renovations’ need is roughly $125,000. The new space will provide a sanctuary to fit about 140 people, new bathrooms, a welcome foyer, a children’s classrooms and nursery, signage, and office space for staff. 

We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us financially so that we can complete the necessary renovations. You have the opportunity to partner with what God is doing with TGC and to help us reach Central Illinois with the Kingdom of God. To donate generously, please visit www.thegathering.life/give. Thank you in advance for your generosity!